PonoLipo Shop自由が丘は、2023年末に閉店しました。
現在は、図書貸し出しサービス付きのお教室PonoLipo Club Workshoip & Libraryとなっております。
・Baby (0〜1歳)
・Toddler (2〜3歳)
・Kids (4〜5歳)
・Lower elementary (6〜8歳)
・Age 9+ (9〜10歳)

NY Joyの子育てエッセイ<4> 窓にかかった可愛い虹たちの話













うちで踊ろう From New York


 Rainbows in the Windows

You may have seen on the news New Yorkers cheering and singing at 7pm every night in support of essential workers. I can hear it every night from our living room window. People clapping and hitting pots and pans. There’s another heartwarming trend that also popped up around the same time, rainbows in windows. I started noticing drawings of rainbows by children in the windows, sometimes with encouraging messages like, “We will get through this!” and “Thank you essential workers!” 


This trend seems to have started in Italy where people started putting art and encouraging messages in their window during the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak in Europe. My children created their posters and rainbow as part of an assignment from their art teacher to draw rainbows and to put them up on our windows to spread joy during this difficult time. Under my mask, I walk through my neighborhood with a smile on my face spotting all the different rainbows in the windows. It’s a reminder that we are all struggling together but this too, will pass. Like a rainbow that spans the sky after a thunderstorm. We all need something to look forward to and even little kids can help to get us through it. 


The pictures above are rainbows that I found in my neighborhood during my morning walk. 


I also wanted to share with you a video that my friend, who’s a dance instructor, made with her students. See if you can spot the rainbows in the video!


うちで踊ろう From New York