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・Baby (0〜1歳)
・Toddler (2〜3歳)
・Kids (4〜5歳)
・Lower elementary (6〜8歳)
・Age 9+ (9〜10歳)

Parenting: ママの態度が、パパの子育てに対する姿勢を規定する

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Fathers’ early parenting quality affected by mother

Study shows importance of maternal ‘gatekeeping’

Date: June 11, 2018
Source: Ohio State University
How a new mother reacts to her partner’s early interactions with their baby may affect his parenting quality later on, a new study suggests. Researchers found that fathers did not perform as well as a parent to their 9-month-old child if the dads felt their partner was critical of their parenting skills six months earlier.

オハイオ州立大学人間科学科教授Sarah Schoppe-Sullivan氏の長期研究「The New Parents Project」の一環として博士課程のLauren Altenburger氏が主筆としてまとめた、比較的経済的に安定した高学歴の共働きの夫婦182組を対象とした研究結果のレポートが、Journal of Child and Family Studies のオンライン版に掲載されました。
